Jennifer Garner shared some heartbreaking news amid the Los Angeles wildfires. During an interview with MSNBC alongside World Central Kitchen‘s Chef José Andrés on Friday, the 52-year-old actress revealed to reporter Katy Tur that she lost one of her friends. According to Jennifer, her pal “didn’t get out in time” as the wildfires in the [...] Read More... The post Jennifer Garner Reveals Heartbreak As She Lost 'A Friend' To LA Fires: 'She Didn't Get Out In Time' appeared first on Perez Hilton.
The main idea of the text is Jennifer Garner's expression of deep sorrow and devastation over the Los Angeles wildfires. She reveals the heartbreaking loss of a close friend who perished in the flames and shares her concern for the hundreds of other families who have lost their homes in the disaster.
The article highlights the personal impact of the tragedy on Garner and emphasizes the widespread suffering within her community.
The main idea of the text is Jennifer Garner's expression of deep sorrow and devastation over the Los Angeles wildfires. She reveals the heartbreaking loss of a close friend who perished in the flames and shares her concern for the hundreds of other families who have lost their homes in the disaster. The article highlights the personal impact of the tragedy on Garner and emphasizes the widespread suffering within her community.